September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello! Happy to find this sub.
    I am reading my first fiction book since college! Yay!

    I decided to read the George RR Martin books starting with Game of Thrones. Enjoying the first book and moving on to the second in the series this week.

    How do I find something else I would enjoy. I've lived my whole life not exploring the fiction book world. (college I read things and have no memories of it)

    I'm a lady over 40 if that matters.

    by alisoncarey

    1 Comment

    1. Do you like high fantasy, sci fi, dark fiction, mystery. There’s a lot out there and all very different reads. My favourite series is dune. Of you like drama/mystery the reckoning by john grisham is a great book as well.

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