September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I know this is pretty niche, but I'm reading a fanfiction where Harry starts getting into exploring and using dark magic, and it's almost scratching the itch but not quite. Does anyone know of any books where the main characters are morally dark of gray, and start using/meddling with dark magic? Bonus points if it's a slow slippery slope type of thing where it's a slow descent into evil.

    Thank you!

    by AcrobaticRadish147

    1 Comment

    1. You might enjoy The Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo. Except Bardugo is actually a very strong writer. But if you’re looking for a story about a girl who was given a scholarship to Yale for seemingly inexplicable reasons and once there gets pushed into a secret society with magic type deal, you’ll like this book.

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