September 2024
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    I was obsessed with these books as kids. I read quite a bit of fantasy now but I haven’t been able to capture the feeling I had when reading these books. Any adult book suggestions that feel like these middle grade books?

    Also- The Two Princesses of Bamarre

    by Ardello


    1. AliceandRabbit on

      I might be off but if you are interested in sweet books with just a sprinkle of unexpected magic, read any of these or others by Sarah Addison Allen.

      The Sugar Queen – one of my favorite books

      The Girl Who Chased the Moon

      Other Birds

      They are quick reads that make you smile when you’re done.

    2. trying_to_adult_here on

      Elantris? It’s got a lonely but resourceful princess stuck in a political marriage to a prince who died on her journey to meet him. Except the prince isn’t dead, he’s been cursed and thrown into the city of Elantris.

      Also, if you haven’t read the Enchanted Forest Chronicles, they hold up as an adult even if they’re written for kids. Highly recommend. First book is Dealing with Dragons.

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