September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    What the title says! I'm a writer looking for comp books. Any YA fantasy recommendations, preferably with a sci-fi and/or time travel twist 🙂

    I like books with queer characters, though I don't mind if there aren't any, and I'm especially looking for books published more recently (5 years ago-ish)

    Some books I've enjoyed lately (that don't necessarily fit within these genres) are: This is How You Lose the Time War; Piranesi; The City We Became; and Jane, Unlimited.

    Thank you all so much!

    by fireflight_stories


    1. Crier’s War / Iron Heart by Nina Varela — Sapphic steampunk YA duology published in 2019 and 2020. It’s about a world in which humans are enslaved by artificial people, the Made. A member of the human resistance falls in love with a Made princess instead of killing her and they start a revolution. Both are girls. Charming story and decently if not exceptionally written.

      Wilder Girls by Rory Power — YA sapphic horror novel published in 2019. A cross between The Lord of the Flies and Annihilation. A private boarding school for girls is at the centre of an extremely strange disease outbreak, the Tox, that kills many and warps the minds and bodies of the living. Quarantined by the military, the remaining girls are still struggling to survive eighteen months on. The protagonist, Hetty, is in love with one of her friends, Reese. Well-written but the ending is a bit unsatisfying.

    2. scandalliances on

      Not queer, but the Chanters of Tremaris trilogy is a fantasy world with singing magic and in the third book >!there’s the revelation that they were brought to the world by a spaceship!<.

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