I am buying a Kindle for my 15 year old niece and planning on loading it before hand with 20+ books.
She is bright, likes to read, but only reads really trashy romances. I love the occasional trashy romance for a plane ride/the beach but would like to broaden her horizons a bit. She hasn't been exposed to any other books (her dad doesn't read books at all) other than the school curriculum.
I read a lot of fantasy/historical fiction/fantasy/coming of age in my teens. I was big on Tamora Pierce, Sherryl Jordan, Janet McNaughton, David Eddings, Kit Pearson, Janet Lunn, Jane Austen, the Brontes, Robert Jordan, etc.
I don't think a lot of the books I liked would be books she likes.
Looking for recommendations for "bridging books". I am thinking Allison Goodman's Benevolent Society of Ill-Mannered Ladies, C.M. Waggoner's Unnatural Magic, and Sherry Thompson's Lady Sherlock series. I might slide Pride and Prejudice in.
I'm not as up to date on the current teen books as I could be, and would love ideas.
by minnewanka_