September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello, everyone!

    Recently I have been in the mood for a particular brand of story, and it's been hard to find something to scratch that itch. I'm looking for some sort of story where a tragedy is predestined to happen no matter how much the characters avoid it, no matter if the reason is some sin they committed in the past coming back to haunt them, them taking residence in a place that is doomed/cursed by its history, or even fate simply designating them as a scapegoat.

    I don't mind the book wandering into straight horror, but it should preferably have some sort of a supernatural element to the story.

    The thing that came closest to what I am looking for was the ending of 'One Hundred Years of Solitude' because I could feel the ending coming from around the middle of the book, but still kept on to read it unfold. I want something with the same feeling of hopelessness.

    by Dicklieber

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