September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    When I was a teen I read loads, then dropped off through uni and don’t know where to start! Would love some suggestions that aren’t in the Young Adult category, but happy with a wide range of genres!

    Some things I remember enjoying that were young adult:
    The Selection by Kiera Cass (so any fantasy/romance)

    Agent 21 by Chris Ryan (and pretty much any spy/action books I could get my hands on)

    Also some other books I’ve read:
    All the Jack Reachers by Lee Child
    The Martian
    Also read a lot of crime books in Britain with the classic depressed detective (so please not more of these but happy to read more mystery ones)

    Sorry it’s quite a range but I’m not too fussy on genre just looking for some great reads that are hard to put down!


    by ChaoticBumbleBi

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