September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I have never been so frustrated. I am furious. One million copies sold and a New York Times bestselling author? Really? Does that even mean anything ? I have read a lot of self help but this one is lowest of the lows. I was hell bent on getting some useful information out of it so I stuck around and decide to read it till the end. The book has nothing of value. Instead it pushes the reader towards the author's website and other content. When it's not doing that, it is pushing the reader onto a hamster wheel. If I had googled the author before buying the book, I would have never bought such an abomination. I am really disappointed in myself for falling for such a scam. Such a waste of money. I will keep this book on the top of the pile, in front of me, as a reminder nay, as a warning before I leave for the book store. I've been so lucky buying random books lately. This one broke the streak and it will haunt me for a long time. For shame sir. For shame.

    by sixpackpeter

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