September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    1. What kind of fantasy? I just ask because fantasy can mean lots of things. I read a lot of fantasy but very heavy leaning into fantasy. Like does not exist in this world type fantasy, magical ability type fantasy, fire breathing dragons and creatures that are so horrifying they can not be described to the reader type fantasy lmao. But I’ve also read lots that are just like in this world but am secretly a witch sort of thing so I just wanna know how far we are leaning lol

      Edit: also how firm are we on this ‘under 1,000 pages’? Any leeway there haha

    2. SporadicAndNomadic on

      The best (shorter, LGBT) fantasy (well, sc-fi more specifically) romance novel I’ve read recently is This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar.

    3. All of these are queer and under 1000 pages:

      **Someone You Can Build a Nest In** by John Wiswell- monster romance

      **A Taste of Gold and Iron** by Alexandra Rowland- Ottoman-inspired fantasy romance

      **Heart of Stone** by Johannes T Evans- historical paranormal romance

      **Cemetery Boys** by Aiden Thomas- YA urban fantasy

      **A Charm of Magpies** trilogy by KJ Charles- historical fantasy romance

    4. damselmadness on

      I think I might be in violation of the page count or close to (just checked, it’s 880 pages), but The Priory of the Orange Tree has fantastic world building and queer romance!

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