September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    i need to start reading again so badly…

    im usually on tiktok but all the books that get recommended there are just… too surface level and unoriginal. genuinely almost like copy-pastes of each other… i want something deeper that will provoke me to think and then leave me broken for months to come after i realize the message. i want a book that will change my way of thinking, that will keep me up at night as i question myself. i want the writing to be amazing; immersive, terrifying, soul touching…

    this is going to be a challenge because i ask that people dont recommend me the classics. think kafka, dostoyevski, gogol, orwell… as i have read most of those and would like something new. preferably something from this century?

    the book itself can be any genre. fantasy, sci-fi, thriller, dark academia… you name it, ill read it. just please, and i mean please, no romance unless its really well done and important to the story. and no explicit s*x scenes like in the booktok "spice" novels.

    thank you for taking the time to read this post, and thank you even more if you decide to write me some recommendations!

    by kaja_mrak

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