September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Not just hearing loss, but his hearing is damaged from a car accident and he will never hear again how he used to and he cannot enjoy music which he loved. He was always active and athletic and cannot work out or play sports due to arthritis now. These loses and other circumstances are contributing to his depression.

    I told him there must be some books out there written by people going through something similar to him he can learn from. He has tried therapy and cannot find a therapist he likes. A psychological book to help him change his thinking, how a therapist would, or maybe a book on secular Buddhism would be helpful.

    by angstyimpala

    1 Comment

    1. I’m so sorry he’s going through this. He might enjoy reading Soundtrack Of Silence by Matt Hay; it’s about a man born with a condition that causes him to progressively lose his hearing and how it’s connected to the music he loves.

      As for not being able to exercise due to arthritis, I don’t have a book to suggest, but has he tried physical therapy?

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