September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So I never liked books, they were boring and slow, but a week ago my sister was reading Animal Farm, and when she stopped reading, out of curiosity, I took the book and loved it. Im still not sure why I loved it so much, but it was a great read. I finished the whole book in one day, which is a lot when considering that 20 pages used to be a lot for me. Today my cousin will give me her book "1984" by George Orwell.
    Why did I enjoy Animal Farm so much? Is this a love for reading or for the book? And most importantly, what should I read next?

    by sqwerb69


    1. Separate-Ad9638 on

      animal book is about the darkness of human nature. It appeals to all readers somehow ig. Properly written books still contain the highest quality of information and research, amongst the available media today, social media is full of trash sadly.

    2. onceuponalilykiss on

      You probably liked it because it’s short, very easy to read, and “feels” deep even if it’s fairly simple. Short and easy books are a good thing to try when you’re new to reading.

    3. Poor-In-Spirit on

      Well what aspects of Animal Farm did you like?

      You might like Brave New World by Alduos Huxley if you like 1984.

    4. Consistent-Cloud3724 on

      The only way to find out is by comparing it to other books. Is it the writing style? The themes? You should try 1984 and see what you think! I also really like The Road by Cormac McCarthy, it’s short, weirdly written and tackles some deep subjects.

      My advice: if you don’t like a book. Just put it down and try something else. There’s no point in reading something that’s not for you.

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