September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m turning 20 soon, I’m not in school rn, not working either, I have all the time in the world. I’ve been just watching stuff n doing a few stuff I like like drawing and languages but can you guys recommend me some books to expand my knowledge.

    Just books you think would be really useful to someone craving knowledge. I wish to know everything the world has to offer, haha ikik it’s not possible but meh. Genre doesn’t matter.

    by vantech887


    1. For world history, I’d look at the Story of Civilization books by Will and Ariel Durant.

      If you have an Audible account, I recommend the Great Courses series. Some of them are amazing.

    2. ModernNancyDrew on

      Here are some non-fiction books that I enjoyed:

      In a Sunburned Country – Australia

      A Walk in the Woods – hiking the Appalachian trail

      Edison’s Ghost’s – quirks of famous scientists

      Born a Crime – Trevor Noah’s autobiography

      Atlas of a New World – peopling the Americas

      Virga and Bone – naturalist essays

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