November 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am currently reading "The Night Will Find Us" by Matthew Lyons and I absolutely am loving it. I haven't finished yet, but I am on the last few chapters. I love the elements of being caught in a common situation (Camping/Outdoors) and having everything go terribly wrong at every turn. The elements of supernatural/other-worldly events and foreshadowing are also what makes this book so exciting mixed with the gore of the events and the suspense that's created in those scenarios definitely have me up until midnight to read as much as I possibly can.

    I am reading online and searching for similar books that I can dig myself into after I'm finished with this one. "Horror" genre covers more than just "Group has bad luck because of XYZ supernatural thing" but I'm open for anything that's horror, spooky, thrilling, and downright GOREFEST. Previously I've read "Call of C'thulu" and The Stand and have adored them both the same. I'm curious to know what recommendations exist outside of Google and what I can search previously posted in this community. Let me here it, folks! Thank you in advance!

    by TBone232

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