September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello, everyone.

    I recently got a big desire to start reading books. Primarily Fantasy/Sci-Fi, but not restricted to that. Books that have interesting worlds of their own.

    "Based", "True", thought provoking and interesting book suggestions are also welcome, if you have them for me.

    I am a big fan of Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Science, Apocalypse movies and TV Shows.

    I have watched GoT, really liked it. BUT ASOIF won't be on the list I provide, it would be a great series to start reading, has everything I like: medieval setting, battles, interesting characters, mystery… but… I won't go down that path. The series will not be finished while the author is alive, that is pretty much clear by this point. Maybe we luck out when he dies and someone else picks up the pen… If that happens it goes on top of my list.

    Watched the LotR & Hobbit movies, liked them a lot. It is on the list, but I won't be getting it now, not at the begging of the journey. I already know a lot about what happens and it's universe. When I get it, it would be out of respect and admiration, something to revel in and appreciate.

    Played the Witcher games and watched the show, really liked them also. But I feel that it should not be on the immediate to-read list.

    I read A LOT of reddit posts, replies, found a lot of top lists of books. I think that I narrowed them down to books that I probably would enjoy to read.

    I am planning to order around 3-4 different books/box sets in the batch. English is not my first language. That does not interfere with my reading skills, but procurement of books written in english takes a bit of time (around a month, maybe even more). For that reason I want to stock up with some different books for the time being, and to put those empty shelves to good use :).

    Don't base your suggestion on "friendly to new reader" I will persevere if it is worth it.

    Short or long, doesn't matter if it is captivating experience.

    Already have:

    • Animal Farm (Read it)
    • 1984 (On the shelf)
    • Fahrenheit 451 (On the shelf)

    The current list of really good books to read is:

    (Planned first procurement):

    • The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
    • Catch-22
    • 11/22/63
    • Dune trilogy (read first 50 pages, seemed interesting) or The Wheel of time (first box set) / Can't decide which one to get.
    • Rest:
    • The First Law
    • Dark Tower Series
    • Dark Matter
    • Slaughterhouse Five
    • The Catcher in the Rye
    • Brave New World
    • His Dark Materials
    • The Lord of the Rings
    • Foundation trilogy
    • Mist Born
    • The Stormlight Archive
    • The Man in the High Castle
    • Malazan
    • Hyperion
    • Silo (series)
    • All Quiet on the Western Front
    • The War of the Worlds
    • Lovecraft
    • I, Claudius
    • Enders Game
    • Three body Problem

    If you have some more suggestion for books to be included in my "to get" list, please add them.

    Misc (not high current priority):

    • War and Peace
    • Anna Karenina
    • Pride and Prejudice
    • Lolita
    • Lord of the Flies

    As you can see there are a lot of different books. My primary interests are that the books have to be interesting and immersive.

    If have negative opinion on some of those books and reasons for me to skip them, express them too :).

    by Semin124

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