I need help figuring out my next read! I’m in a stressful time in my life and I want some recs that will feel engaging and meaningful.
I just read a couple of classics (Lolita and Slaughterhouse-Five). I really liked them, and I like books with interesting themes, commentaries, and/or deeper meanings. In between those two books I read Cleopatra and Frankenstein… it wasn’t for me, I found it shallow.
I’m trying to find an in between, I’d like something that is more contemporary but will make me think. Classics are not totally off the table but I want to switch it up. I gravitate towards a lot of psychological fiction. I’m stuck!!
For context my other recent 5 star reads were: Normal People, The Virgin Suicides, The Secret History, Jane Eyre, American Psycho, and Briefly, a Delicious Life
by ninaamanda