September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am not a reader, never really have been. Last winter my girlfriend recommended me Project hail Mary and I couldn't put it down I read it in 4 days. After I tried reading atlas 6, but couldn't finish it, due to being disengaged. I am looking for something that is scify, but has mystery elements but gives you bits and pieces throughout, which keep you heavily engaged. I know this post screams I am not a reader, so please be kind. If you have any page turner sci-fy related books, or even mystery! Let me know

    by HippoNinjah

    1 Comment

    1. ChiefMedicalOfficer on

      Andy Weir wrote The Martian and would really suit your taste of you liked PHM.

      Checkout the Bobiverse too.

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