September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I finished reading East of Eden last night and I adored it. I have come to the conclusion that as I read it I didn't really care what was going to happen next or what would a certain character do, I just wanted to keep reading for the reflections on life and the human condition. The story was simply a medium, a fantastic one, with characters to match.

    I could relate a good deal with Cal, Aaron and even Adam, so much so that at points I felt like it was speaking about me, whenever it touched on good and evil, on blood and the "destiny" it carries for you, when it touched on pain too.

    I'd like to read more books with strong truths hidden in them, where wisdom can be found in conversations and refelctions, where I can feel like someone is educating me so to speak. Because that's what I felt with EoE whenever characters like Lee and Sam spoke.


    by Gregory_Gp

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