September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I've been trying to read more short stories lately, after one of Joyce Carol Oates' collections impressed me. So please suggest me your favorites!

    by LogikalResolution


    1. All You Zombies by Rober Heinlein. The name is a misnomer because the story has nothing to do with zombies. It’s a science fiction. Specificing which subgenre of science fiction would be a spoiler

    2. I mostly listen to my ‘books’ these days. Here are some that get 4.5 to 5 stars from me along with where they can be found to listen.

      Sundae by Matt Wallace – Podcastle #254 (My absolute favorite 6/5 stars! Also on kindle unlimited)

      London Bone by Micheal Moorecock – StarShipSofa #467

      Defy The Grey Kings by Jason Fischer – Podcastle #438

      Moogh and the Great Trench Kraken by Suzanne Palmer – Beneath Ceaseless Skies #158

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