September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Heres me problem: I've always been an avid fan of fantasy books (I'd give some examples, but most of what I've read have been local hits of my country), along with Sci-Fi books (Books like "Ender's Game" or "The Foundation" Trilogy). But on my adolescence, I started watching anime, and after that I ended up discovering the world of eastern light novels and web novels. While there are a lot of very good novels out there, most of them are kinda light readings and have a much more direct structure than western novels. Then, after years of reading them I ended up getting quite tired of them. In addition, I have already read the best ones, and giving the way they are done, they are produced at a very slow pace, and there's only so many times you can read the same novels or the same kind of novels before getting sick of them.

    My problem is that now I've found out that nowadays It's very hard for me to stomach normal novels. There are things common in eastern novels, such as an absurdly long duration (I tend to gravitate toward novels with +100, preferably +1000 chapters) or an exact and quantifiable power scaling (Things like game-like systems or a crystal-clear power hierarchy…), and I've discovered that now it's very hard for me to enjoy novels without them. I think that in the last couple of years I haven't been capable of reading anything "normal". (I'd like to add, I don't particularly enjoy oriental fantasy, I prefer oriental takes on western fantasy)

    As far as I remember, the only exception (maybe there are more and I simply don't remember them, my memory is not precisely amazing) is "The Name Of The Wind" from Patrick Rothfuss, and it's sequel, books that I read every 1/2 years. I think I don't have any problem with them because they can have some similarities (a long story and an observable progression of the character's habilities), but overall because they bruteforce themselves out of my issues with sheer quality. Sadly, everytime I read them, I end up in a bad mood because I can't finish the story, and I'm also getting tired of feeling that way.

    I've enjoyed more occidental takes on web novels, like "Mother of Learning" or "Shadow Slave", but frankly, I find my incapability of reading normal fantasy books very annoying, and I'd like to regain the ability to enjoy them (And western Sci-Fi books too, while we're at it). So I'd like to know if someone knows some fantasy books I could read similar to the kingkiller chronicle: With qualities that could mimic the oriental takes on western fantasy, or so well written/with such a rich world that they could snap me out of my predicament.

    by TheFallenDeathLord

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