September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi, I've been reading novels most of my life as I've fallen into the bias that it's “true literature” but lately I've felt like I don't really get anything out of reading fantasy stories, I feel like I'm watching tv or wasting time on social media. I don't want to fall into self-help books unless it's an amazing one or something highly recommended. Do you have any titles you recommend that make me think or leave me with some learning?

    by CricketDismal3871


    1. Even if you’re reading fantasy books, you’re still using your energy in a constructive way and it is far better than watching tv or browsing social media. however, if you want to explore more genres, you could try some philosophy books- you could explore fiction by Dostoyevsky, Sartre, Camus, etc. You could also read some psychology or historical books. Remember, the goal is not to “stop wasting time reading” but to give your brain some exercise and satisfying its craving for learning. If reading fantasy makes you happy, no need to stop. You could expand to other fiction genres such as horror, psychological thrillers, etc. Happy reading!

    2. Why don’t you just read better/more challenging fiction? I promise you 99.99% of self-help/popsci is borderline scam slop.

    3. fyrefly_faerie on

      I just finished True Biz by Sara Nović. It’s a YA novel sprinkled with deaf history.

    4. Start reading about history or biographies or notable persons. Are you American? Is there any historical event or figure that particularly interests you? I could make a recommendation based on that. Some historical texts are incredibly compelling and are essentially written like literature. 

    5. PatchworkGirl82 on

      Sometimes I just browse the nonfiction stacks at the library just to get ideas, and something usually jumps out at me.

    6. Honestly if you’re enjoying your time, it’s not a waste of time. But for some nonfiction recs:

      The Anthropocene Reviewed by John Green

      Cosmos by Carl Sagan

      The Demon Haunted World by Carl Sagan

      The End of Everything by Katie Mack

      A Brief History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson

      How To Be Perfect by Michael Shur

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