September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I normally never DNF anything and even if it takes me over a month, I’ll stick it out and finish a book. But I feel like I’m about ready to DNF Shatter Me. It’s funny because I read what was released in the series a decade ago and I remember loving it. But now not so much. Not sure whether I should stick it out or just cut my “losses” lol

    by KellyStan285


    1. If the fact that that’s my current book is preventing me from reading, I usually DNF. Like if I’d rather do something else other than read pretty consistently then I’ll drop it. I don’t want one book to slow me down or ruin my love of the craft.

    2. rootlessofbohemia on

      Are you five pages in? Fifty?

      If you don’t like it, don’t read it. As someone else in this sub has said “life’s too short to read books that you don’t enjoy”

      Put that one down and pick up something you’re excited about

    3. Depends on how much you value your time. I think I got through 80% of the first “a court of thrones” book and the writing was so terrible I didn’t want to waste another second on it. I usually will never DNF books but that book was an exception.

    4. I’ve read 2 paragraphs and also 85%. I DNF when I’m over the book / not enjoying it.

    5. Past-Wrangler9513 on

      I DNF when I’m not enjoying the book. There are way too many good books out there waiting for me, I don’t need to waste my time on ones I don’t like.

    6. I think it depends on whether it is a situation where trying to get through the book is preventing you from reading other things or if you just aren’t enjoying it as much as other books you have read but still curious about the outcome.
      That said, I also did not enjoy that book. I did finish it but never read any more in the series.

    7. I have absolutely no qualms about DNFing a book and do it when i start to feel the urge to skip pages. 

      I have a big to read pile and life is too short to read bad books.

    8. Koko_Kringles_22 on

      If a book doesn’t grab my attention in the first couple of chapters, I put it away. Doesn’t mean I consider it DNF – I think of it as a “come back later” thing. It’s possible that I’ll enjoy it in a couple of years. But in the meantime, I’m gonna read books that appeal to me and make me want to turn the page.

      You’re not cutting your losses. You’re de-prioritizing one book in favor of another.

    9. Consistent-Ad-6506 on

      When I was younger I felt obligated to finish even bad books. As I got a little older I was like “Fuck that!” Your time is valuable, don’t waste it on things that don’t bring you any joy.

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