July 2024
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    Read the book on recommendation of Corrine Caloway, one of the main characters in The Good Life, by Jay McInerney. She is trying to make it into a movie and I was curious. Plus, I enjoyed The Quite American and Our Man in Havanna immensely.

    The Heart of the Matter is a Graham Green: well written, colonial setting, doubly repressed Characters (by virtue of being English and Catholic), adultery, short and sweet, that I liked, but didn’t love.

    A good book, nice read.

    by pointmaisterflex


    1. >liked, but didn’t love

      I feel the same way about the only Graham I’ve read, *The Human Factor*. Well written but not really gripping, and I can barely remember anything about it. It actually felt a bit satirical, like an occasionally gruesome and ironic take on le Carre.

    2. MinxyMyrnaMinkoff on

      It’s a good book. The problem with Green is he was so prolific that all his repressed Catholic protagonists start to run together after a while. I liked Yusef though, Green nailed that dangerous obsequious generosity some men have in Yusef.

      I liked Our Man in Havana way more though, much more absurd and way more fun!

    3. My two favourite Graham Green novels are Brighton Rock and The Comedians. Both are edge of your seat stuff.

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