September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    the question isn’t about how to get out of a slump, reading a comfort book usually works.

    but sometimes I struggle to tell if a book I’m reading isn’t for me, if it feels harder because english isn’t my first language, or if I’m just in a slump. I can never quite figure it out.. any advice?:’)

    by _going_insane

    1 Comment

    1. IntrepidInterest9883 on

      I’ve never understood “slump”. I either like a book, or not. It’s hard for me to find good books, because I have read everything. Well, in my fav genres…so many recommendations are for old books.

      I find it best to look at Goodreads, see the negative reviews…why didn’t they like it? It’;s not always a reason I would dislike it..and if not, I read a sample of it.,.sounds good? I go for it. Or not, sometimes it is not.

      There are a lot of books out there but not all are what we prefer with our personal taste, even if others have liked it. So don’t fret,, the next wow book will come along. Maybe comfort books are just more your type of book. Nothing wrong with that!

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