September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I teach 12th grade English at an inner-city school and I want more stories that my students can relate to but I also don't want to treat them like little kids, so Jason Reynolds and his contemporaries run a bit young for my students.

    A good example of what I'm looking for is Lot by Bryan Washington, but while I don't shy from curse words or adult themes, I worry my students will struggle with why Washington, a gay man, is having his characters use the f-slur so often.

    I'm doing a mini-unit on realism and will be showing them the pilot episode of We Own This City and we will be reading "A Temporary Matter" by Jhumpa Lahiri. I'm looking for one more story to round it out and would prefer a Black author if possible.

    by stockinheritance

    1 Comment

    1. Check out Benjamin Zephania’s literature, an inspirational black author/poet/musician who’s books are part social commentary, part ‘story’ 🙂

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