July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    My friend’s (16 F) birthday is coming up and she is really into romance books, especially the smutty ones (she said she read an overly descriptive erotic fanfiction once and it gave her “butterflies”). She would be moving to another school next year so I want to gift her a book before I part from her.

    Can you all suggest me some books with a fair share of erotic scenes that are actually good? I know 16-year-olds aren’t supposed to read stuff like this…but I still want to gift her a book. Too bad she doesn’t like any other genre much except thriller/suspense (but she badly wants to read a romance book). I hope I can properly describe what sort of books she likes.

    And yes, please don’t suggest any BDSM books because that friend isn’t into it. I guess she also likes to read about Heterosexual romances only.

    Please suggest me some good books based on the above mentioned points.

    by JoeyChatt_08

    1 Comment

    1. fernincornwall on

      There is a whole genre of these…. In the 80s and 90s we called them “bodice-rippers” (because guys would always be ripping off the woman’s bodice in a fit of insatiable passion)… but I think the polite book store term is “historical romance”.

      These books usually have young Fabio on the cover (a Nordic model who looked like a Nordic model) and another woman in his passionate embrace with titles like “Swept Away in Passion” or some such.

      They always have super steamy scenes in them.

      But yeah… for a specific recommendation…. I mean.. generally speaking they are all the same- you know?

      But pick one at random for your friend and she can get some history lessons with her steamy sex scenes when she reads!

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