September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I've been in a reading slump lately, or rather had been.

    I tried book after book, but nothing seemed to click. As an example The Lost Story (by Meg Shaffer) is technically well written, but I just failed to care about it. The foreshadowing was less foreshadowing and more explaining the plot to me before it even happened, leaving nothing to the imagination about what was to come.

    And then I picked up The Chronicles of Elsewhere (by Keanu Reeves and China Mieville). Suddenly I'm hooked, and I realized it was because I didn't know where the story was going at all. Seemingly next to no breadcrumb trail of foreshadowing all of which leads up to an inevitable feeling conclusion that makes your brain "feel good" for predicting the ending before it even happens. I'm enjoying the heck out of it.

    So what are your favorite novels that are similar? Ones where it feels like you the reader is wandering in the dark rather than marching down a well lit, ever narrower path towards the finale?

    by Elegant_Hearing3003

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