July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m really interested to read books written by retired/ex members of the army, special forces, navy, etc. on what life was like during their service – specifically the training and process to get them to where they were.

    Preferably British accounts. Thank you!

    by thefrenchted


    1. Sea Stories

      Generation Kill

      Call Sign Chaos

      Hal Moore on Leadership

      All four are excellent books, well written and worth reading in my opinion even if you’re not looking specifically for leadership insights.

      All of them offer different perspectives on life from different branches of the military.

      Sea Stories is an excellent audio book as the author is also the narrator and some of his command presence comes through.

      Edit: All are US military. Just reread the thread and saw you were looking for British.

    2. BuffaloEqual500 on

      Pick Up Your Parrots And Monkeys by William Pennington

      You’d probably also like the ‘forgotten voices’ series:

      * Forgotten Voices of the Great War by Max Arthur
      * Forgotten Voices of the Second World War by Max Arthur
      * Forgotten Voices of Burma by Julian Thompson
      * Forgotten Voices of the Falklands by Hugh McManners
      * Forgotten Voices of the Royal Navy by Max Arthur

      And so on.

      Although it’s more a history then a memoir, you might also like The War of the Running Dogs by Noel Barber.

      Have you tried Richard Holmes’s books? They are histories of the British solider in lots of different campaigns and settings, as you can tell from the titles (“Tommy”, “Sahib”, “Redcoat” and so on). But they contain a good bit of first-hand testimony.

      You might also want to try Saul David’s stuff: Victoria’s Wars, SBS – Silent Warriors, All The King’s Men and so on.

      Finally, these are podcasts not books, but if you haven’t already, you should really give the following a try:

      We Have Ways of Making You Talk


      Cold War Conversations


    3. Bravo two zero(SAS)- Andy McNab

      Immediate action(SAS)- Andy McNab

      Seven Troop(SAS) -Andy McNab

      The one that got away(SAS) – Chris Ryan

      Bravo three zero(SAS) Damien Lewis

      X-Platoon (as on the tin)- Damien Lewis

      The Eye of the storm(SAS)- Peter Radcliffe

      Sabre Squadron(SAS) – Cameron Spence

      All necessary measures(SAS)- Cameron Spence

      Wearing the green beret (Royal Marines)- Jake Olafsen

      Those are all decent UK forces books

      For American books

      Generation Kill (USMC force recon – Evan Wright

      Warrior Elite (SEALs) – Dick Couch

      Hidden warriors (green beret) – Dick Couch

      Lone Survivor ( SEALs) – Marcus Luttrel

      Alpha (SEALs) – David Phillips

      Death in the Delta(SEALs) – Gary R Smith

      Diary of a Navy SEAL – Gary R Smith

      Diary of a Master Chief – Gary R Smith

      One Perfect OP (SEALs) – Dennis Chalker

      Rogue Warrior (SEALs) Dick Marcinko

      Let me know if you want more

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