September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Looking for some more Zero to Hero style books. This is my favorite style of book. Ones I’ve enjoyed are:

    • Cradle
    • Mistborn
    • TWOK
    • Red Rising
    • DCC

    Really enjoy the trope. The weaker they start out the better (Cradle really scratched this itch). Doesn’t have to be progression/ litRPG because i think Cradle was the only one I really enjoyed from this genre. Tried Iron Prince and it was just bad.

    Really enjoyed Sanderson’s works. Learning more about the magic systems as the characters do. Improving and fighting the big bad.

    by sarnold95

    1 Comment

    1. In the Life Reset novels by Shemer Kuznits, the MC is trapped in a VR world as a Level 1 goblin. The audiobooks have the same narrator as DCC.

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