September 2024
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    1. AugustusReddit on

      It’s a thought provoking read using multiple timelines so it takes time to get into, but it’s well worth the investment.

    2. blessings-of-rathma on

      I really want to try to read it again. It’s my husband’s favourite book and I’ve found it difficult to wrap my head around. I haven’t gotten very far into it.

    3. One of my favorite books. Started and stopped it 3 times before powering through the first couple of chapters. And then I read it in 18 hrs – didn’t sleep before a flight in the morning – it was that good. But the beginning was really confusing with all the similar names.

    4. sisyphus_was_lazy_10 on

      I just finished it. Your confusion is justified. Overall, I liked the philosophical aspects of it, but trying to keep all the generations straight because of family’s naming system was mentally taxing. It kind of reminded me a bit of a Latin American version of East of Eden—if that helps.

    5. IntroductionOk9336 on

      I love magical realism and I feel like this is a cornerstone of the genre. 

      Don’t worry about keeping all the characters and generations straight. And the house is really the main character. 

    6. cobblergobbler69420 on

      I read it some years ago. It took me several months, but the last few chapters brought the story together and I was very much a fan of the book overall.

    7. DNF. I just got tired of the same repetitive names and I felt like there wasn’t a clear plot to the whole story. Just prose (which to be honest, didn’t find that extraordinary as some people claim). I read it in spanish, as it is my native language

    8. Content-Consumer_ on

      Persia may I didn’t really like it. It got a bit tedious in some parts and I was confused by all the. Characters with the same name. It kind of had a sci do ending, and it junk it inspired Encanto to some extent. I wouldn’t recommend it to someone and wouldn’t re-read

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