September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi! I almost always read in Spanish (cause I'm Spanish xD) but I would like to start reading in English to improve my skills. I have a C1 level and I like fantasy and cience fiction books. Could you suggest me a book to start reading in English?

    by feyre27


    1. Mexican here. I love science fiction and my favorite author is Phillip K. Dick, I recommend you his short stories. When you’re more confident, his books are very good too.

    2. Thats_A_Paladin on

      I don’t really know what a C1 is, but it’s enough to have me understanding you so cool!

      Can you tell when a character is being sarcastic in English? For example, if a character said “Oh yeah, let’s just cut my leg off!” could you tell whether or not they actually wanted their leg cut off?

      And to be clear, there is no wrong answer here. I just want to know the kind of writing you’re looking for.

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