September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I haven't been able to get past page 50 of any book for a month now. I am in the worst reading block of my life. I usually read between 30 and 50 books a year. Not that it matters, but just so you understand how much this stresses me out.
    I've been on a Stephen King reading streak. Before that I had read Joel Dicker. Nothing of what I have left to read by these authors interests me at the moment (I know I wouldn't have enough time to read King's complete works but I only like some of his books, not the horror ones but more like The Stand, The Long Walk, The Institute, The Outsider). The last one I started was Holly and I couldn't finish it. I've already read all of her short story anthologies.

    I'm a bit hopeless, if I could read anything in the world I'd like to read a new Diana Gabaldon book – Outlander abstinence – but I've already read even the short stories.

    I would also like to read more of ACOTAR but I could only follow Throne of Glass until the fourth book and then I abandoned it and I don't want to pick it up again. I hated Crescent City. I started reading Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn and it didn't hook me, I found it too slow.

    Other books I recently loved are TJ Klune, Yellowface and Tomorrow, Tomorrow and Tomorrow.

    If the recommendations are of popular books BETTER because English is not my native language and I tend to read Spanish translations whenever I can.

    Thanks thanks thanks

    by Momentita


    1. SpecialKnits4855 on

      I am currently reading Isabel Allende’s The Wind Knows My Name (in English). It broke through my block. I’m sure it and her other works are available in Spanish.

    2. bumblethesnowmonster on

      Have you read the Serpent and the Wings of Night duology? I would say give that a try. Enemies-to-lovers, lots of action. It helped me get out of my ACOTAR reading slump! I also was not a fan of the Throne of Glass series. I found it too YA and slow for my taste.

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