September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I saw The 5 Love Languages of Children but I worry he will resent that it’s directed towards “children” and not teens. He’s an older brother of a combined 4 little kids (between my son’s dad and I) that he’s helped babysit a lot so I worry he’s extra sensitive to being considered a “child”. He’s almost 14. He’s very well read for his age and has been in and out of therapy (unfortunately, the continuity of care is abysmal because of government insurance) and is currently on a waitlist at his clinic because of yet another therapist using government-funded jobs as a springboard to private practices. I think he would be open to listening to a book with me.

    I don’t have time to keep waiting for therapists to stick around, I need to find a book for my son and I. This feels like a very important time in his life for him and I to keep a bond. He’s been through a lot and we need help to heal together.

    Thank you all

    by AnonThrowawayProf

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