November 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I haven't picked up a book since I was like 8 (I'm 20) but I really want to get into reading. I have trouble reading basically anything longer than 100 words. I tried reading the first few pages of Percy Jackson but I couldn't understand what was happening. Yes, English is my native language; I'm just really stupid. I also tried audiobooks but I get distracted easily. Any suggestions on what I can start with?

    by iamorbiting


    1. Why don’t you tell us what kind of stories or films you enjoy watching first? There are tons of books that would be beginner level – but if you really want to stick to it then it’s best to find one you’ll actually enjoy

    2. imaginaryhouseplant on

      Have you tried comic books? Short segments of texts accompanied by pictures that show you what is happening could be a good way to start. And there are comics for every conceivable genre out there.

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