September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Looking for the title of an old science fiction novel. I first saw it as a young man in the '70s-'80s, but could have been from decades before that with reprints. In it, the "poor" or lower class are forced to buy new appliances, clothes, belongings every month, and are constantly trading in flashy cars, etc., while the upper class live peaceful lives in the woods, sitting in log cabins and playing cards with matchsticks. Any help would be greatly appreciated. TIA

    by Crazy-Pilot2894

    1 Comment

    1. Frederik Pohl’s short story *Midas Plague* has that premise. It’s in his *Midas World* anthology and also in *Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume IIB*.

      You could also ask the folks in r/whatsthatbook

      Pro tip: They are most helpful when you follow the Rules posted there.

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