September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    My Nan is going to be in the hospital for a bit and I want to find a book or two to help keep her occupied.

    She loves mystery books like Agatha Christie (she has the whole collection). She enjoyed reading The Truth About the Harry Quebery Affair relatively recently, but wasn't a fan of Thursday Murder Club.

    Any recommendations much appreciated.

    by Wonderful-Age-2358


    1. Demisluktefee on

      If she’s interested in cosy mystery than maybe the “Her Majesty The Queen Investigates series” by S.J. Bennet or the “Canon Clement” series by Richard Coles

    2. theponderingreader_ on

      Hello! I’m sorry to hear your Nan will be in the hospital for a bit, so I hope these books will keep her company!

      I’m also a BIG Christie fan, and I adore her. Like your Nan, I did not like Thursday Murder Club. I found that these cozy who-dunnits are quite good!

      Benjamin Stevenson is quite good and cozy! I read Everyone on This Train is a Suspect and found the characters incredibly witty! It was quite addictive, and it’s part of a bigger collection that could keep her busy!

      A little less unknown is the Daisy’s Tea Garden Mystery series by Karen Rose Smith, an underrated series in my opinion. It’s incredibly cozy, and it’s part of a long series that follows the same cast of characters as they grow and develop.

      Hope these help! Wishing your Nan a speedy recovery 🙂

    3. Key-Reindeer-3896 on

      The Affair of the Bloodstained Egg Cosy by James Anderson. There are two sequels: The Affair of the Mutilated Mink Coat and The Affair of the Thirty-Nine Cufflinks.

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