September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey everyone,

    I have a friend who has been struggling a lot lately. We are both 20 and Growing up he didn’t have the best role models and support from parents. He dropped out of university and struggled a lot but was finally able to get on his feet and now has a job. The job will only help him survive day to day and I think he can do so much more because he has so much potential. I really care for him and want him to succeed but I think the first step would be for him to find what motivates him and slowly work towards a better future, even small steps count.

    His birthday is coming up soon and I would like to gift him a book that could help him. I was considering “The Defining Decade” but I would love any other recommendations that might be better. It hurts me a lot to see him struggling and not sure about the future so any recommendations would be deeply appreciated. Thanks for the help!

    by Just-Spinach-9319

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