September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m finally diving back into fantasy after a decade away playing around in sci fi and historical fiction. 3 that I’ve read that I’ve enjoyed so far:

    -*The Fifth Season* by N. K. Jemison
    -*Piranesi* by Susanna Clarke
    -*House on the Cerulean Sea* by TJ Klune

    I’m really into audiobooks right now because it’s the only way I have time to consume books. Thank you!

    by throwmeawayplz19373


    1. Storm Front voiced by James Marsters is excellent. He does the entire book as if in performance.

    2. thisisausergayme on

      I really enjoyed the audiobooks of the Heartstriker Series by Rachel Aaron

      I also really enjoyed these audiobooks:
      – Witch King by Martha Wells
      – The Goblin Emperor and the spin-off series The Cemeteries of Amalo by Katherine Addison
      – Nettle and Bone by T Kingfisher

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