September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Books for the irritable

    Just turned 30 yesterday and I want to start spending time reading useful things. I've fallen away from video games and the time I have spared I'd like to fix some things I notice are affecting my life. Mostly my irritability at the office and sometimes at home. That's my focus now. I am primarily Christian but I don't actively practice the religion, so a little religion is ok but not required. OI'm also a boss, so anything to help nerves/irritation in conversations with people that easily irritate by not understanding or comprehending common sense would help. I'm in a much better place than I've been the last 6 or 7 years but I want to iron out the small things!
    Lastly, the book can be short to medium.. easy to read since I'm not a big reader. Thanks!

    by TheWoodChucksWood

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