September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I want to find a contemporary novel that centers on wealth and the way it affects old friendships. Ideally — a wealth reversal friendship: One in which two friends grew up in different wealth brackets, and that switched in adulthood (perhaps due to marriage, lottery winning, family fortune lost…) But I’d also happy with a friendship in which they started in the same social class and then one got super rich. Not interested in stories in which race plays a huge role in this changing dynamic. Secondary themes I'd be happy with include romantic relationships, suburban/rural lifestyle vs. urban lifestyle, pretention/being cultured or highly educated, grief/loss, femininity/beauty. One book that I love in its treatment of wealth is Taffy Brodasser Ackner's "Fleishman is in Trouble." A book that I love in the way it looks at the childhood vs. adulthood friendship change over time is "Something Borrowed" by Emily Giffin. It does not necessarily have to be literary fiction. TIA!

    by Riverrustar

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