September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi all! I’ve been intrigued by all the good reviews I’ve read on East of Eden, but in every description I’ve read, they say that the characters are somewhat like the biblical characters.

    I don’t really enjoy that narrative, so I was wondering, how much do you need to know the plot of the bible to read East of Eden or how many references to it are in the book itself? Can I still read it if I don’t get any biblical references?

    by WorthFig328


    1. mtn_chickadee on

      You will still understand and enjoy it, but reading a 5 minute summary on the story of Cain and Abel will enhance your experience.

    2. mustardgreenz on

      The book loosely follows the biblical story of Cain and Abel which also has parallels in the Quran.  It’s a universal story that exists as part of the human experience.

      Even if the Bible was never written, the “sibling rivalary” story would still have been created, so I wouldn’t let that deter you from reading the book. 

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