September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    i've come to the harrowing realization that all i read is fantasy, fiction, and contemporary romance. also fashion magazines and food blogs.

    it's been that way ever since i was a child. i figured that nonfiction books were boring and that all of them were basically autobiographies. but i want to become a published author and becoming a better writer means broadening my reading horizons!

    so, what are y'all's favorite nonfiction books? or the best nonfiction books that, while not your favorite, was still a satisfying read?

    by prrisma


    1. pottedpetunia42 on

      I’m currently enjoying “The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs” by Steve Brusatte. I don’t really know much about paleontology, but this book is an easy and enjoyable read. Definitely recommend!

    2. Anything written by Erik Larson. Dead Wake is good. The Devil In the White City is also very good.

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