September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I discovered the world of Shadowhunters a lot later than most people my age, but I loved it. I've binged the entire TMI series, then TID, then TDA, and now I'm about to finish TLH series – knowing The Wicked Powers isn't gonna come for a while has me quite depressed, as I've fallen quite in love with CC's wit, world-building and beautiful, generational cast of characters, all with their intricate backstories, personalities, etc.

    I was hoping someone would know of a book series similar to what CC has going on with the Shadowhunter Chronicles. Several different series, all set within the same world, and sometimes dropping hints of each other throughout (for example, Kit Herondale finding books marked by W.H in the London Institute -> TDA dropping hints of TID/TLH). I want to get lost in another world and fall in love with characters spanning generations, similar to how I have with TSC.

    The only other series I can think of that's similar to this is Holly Black's 'Folk of the Air' and related books, and Leigh Bardugo's 'Grishaverse', however neither of them has that "generational" aspect I liked about TSC (Like how TID occurred, then TLH is about the TID characters' children, then TMI and TDI is about their descendants). I like fantasy and science fiction, and enjoy steamy stuff but not highly detailed s** scenes – any help finding a new obsession would be most appreciated!!! 😀

    by Rare-Holiday-7409

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