September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I want to get into reading more historical fiction books but I keep finding the same ones reccomended.

    I like to read the ones that follow a story of a person going through whatever it is during that time period. I'm usually drawn to ones that have to do with wars, colonization, genocide, etc. I like to learn about things that happened around the world.

    I am currently reading The Old Woman and the River. I have only read chapter 1 though, I just started it today.

    I usually find myself interested in the ones that are about people from South Asia/Middle East type region. (Pls for the love of God do not recommend me Khaled Hosseini 😭🙏🏽)

    I would like to get into reading some from other Asain regions such as East and South East Asia.

    I would actually love some Native American and Pacific Islander historical fiction recs! Those are on top with the South Asain/Middle East.

    I'm also looking for historical fiction book recs of Ireland as well.

    I wouldn't mind being reccomended booktokers and/or youtubers that give great historical fiction books that I would be interested in.

    by PastelChubs

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