September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So, the title seems self explanatory. More details: my dad has been in the icu for over 5 days now. The entry of visitors is restricted to 2 hours in the day. And even in that time we can't communicate to him much as he is mostly under medications. All we can do is wait in the hospital whenever the doctors come for a visit or if there's a request to buy some medical stuff. A summary of what I'm feeling: Helpless, feeling like I have no control over anything, at the total mercy of the doctors and the nursing staff. The medication is going as per procedure. He has septicemia so there's no end in sight for his plight. All we can do is just be present and hope that his body fights back.

    Any recommendations that help me alleviate this feeling or just comfort me in this uncertain time would be very helpful. Thanks a lot!

    by HospitalFunny8775

    1 Comment

    1. TheGreatestSandwich on

      I’m so sorry. Went thru this with my dad a few years ago, so I know what a rollercoaster it can be.

      Poetry is often good because you can just read a little bit. I highly recommend Mary Oliver’s poetry. There is a huge collection called Devotions, but I’ll admit her slim volume “Thirst” may be perfect for your situation. It’s focused on nature, grief, and hope.

      If that’s not what you’re looking for, you could try Marilynne Robinson’s Gilead or Housekeeping…

      And of course, if you have a preferred religious text, these are the times that they really shine. 

      Best wishes to you and your dad. Glad you can be there, as difficult as it is. 

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