July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Anyone that’s read all 5 books please tell me if it’s worth carrying on. I’m now nearly finished the 3rd book that goes from bart and Jory’ perspective and honestly this book is boring. I really liked the first 2 but it seems very badly written. the book seems predictable, mum moves next door? killed off carrie? cathy’s obsessed with writing a book and doesn’t trust herself to not lock her kids up? and bart???? as soon as it gets back to his part i cringe (more than i already do with this book) it’s just dragging along now

    by Sea-Caterpillar2273


    1. No, the first two are good because they were were written by VC Andrews but after that it was written by a ghost writer. Just google what happens and move on to a new book.

    2. Witty-Visit7438 on

      The third book is the worst one. The best two books are the first two, so a lot of people bow out early, but I read all 5 and loved them. I’m a fan of the twist in book 5. Don’t read any of the sequels after 5 though.

    3. If There Be Thorns was my least favorite of the series, but it is important to the story. The next book, Seeds of Yesterday, catches up with Cathy and Chris when they’re middle-aged and the kids are grown, and it’s really good.

    4. QuietFoundation5464 on

      i personally don’t like incest stories i don’t even care if they’re good.

    5. slytherinqueen1525 on

      Nope. Not worth it at all. If you want to read a good one in the series read the one about the grandmother. I think it’s called garden of shadows (not sure).

      It’s great and explains why everyone is the way they are in flowers in the attic

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