September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi! I loved reading The Hot Zone and The Martian (fiction, but focuses on space), would like to know if anyone has any suggestions for nonfiction books about space or science that kept you engaged from cover to end?

    by degreesofinsanity

    1 Comment

    1. Maximum_Jello_9460 on

      ‘A City on Mars: Can We Settle Space, Should We Settle Space, and Have We Really Thought This Through?’

      Not the most technical of books, but is an engaging and humorous summary of the current challenges we face in our efforts to inhabit Mars, the Moon and any potential space station.

      Some controversy over the book. Many see it as defeatist, but the authors reiterate constantly that they love the idea of space colonisation and want it to work. The last 3rd of the book focuses on the legality of space habitation which some may find a bit obscure, but I enjoyed it, with the first 2/3rds breaking down potential issues relating to health and safety, space psychology, terraforming, energy and resources, child rearing and many other topics in space.

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