September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi all,

    I am very new to actually reading books for my own pleasure, it's something that has always appealed to me but I have never really known where to start. I would like to read some books that fit along a more science fiction and dystopian theme, I also don't mind historical fiction or thrillers. I am 14 years old, so books with advanced/archaic vocabulary might not appeal to me as much. Here are some books I have read and enjoyed in the past:

    Steinbeck – Of Mice and Men
    Orwell – 1984
    Phillip K. Dick – The Man in the High Castle
    H. G. Wells – War of the Worlds
    Roderick Gordon and Brian Williams – Tunnels Series
    Chris Bradford – Young Samurai Series

    I hope this gives you a rough idea of what kind of books I might like. I would appreciate all suggestions, thank you 🙂

    by LukeTheDuke9999

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