September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I think the writing and the story are fine, that's not the issue. My problem with it is that you spend 300+ pages reading what is ostensibly just an overwritten prologue before Cronin time jumps you 90+ years into the future for what feels like a whole separate novel.

    Like, I don't mind time jumps, but I feel like I spent 300 pages reading something that didn't actually matter in the grand scheme of the book and probably could have just been alluded to in a 10 page prologue. I find this pretty egregious when the book is already almost 1000 pages.

    It honestly makes me not wanna finish it.

    Anyone else have this issue with this or any other book?

    by jaklacroix

    1 Comment

    1. Wonderpants_uk on

      If you didn’t like the disconnect between the two parts of the first book, then you probably won’t like the second book either, and possibly not the third either. 

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