September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey everyone!

    I have been a big fan of Agatha Christie’s books and I have almost read every single one of them. Lately I have been running into a problem of finding similar books however I try. I am looking for stories where the solution in the end makes sense and there are hints scattered everywhere in the book and it is actually possible to “solve” the case before it concludes.

    My problem with many other books I read was the following: the solution in the end either didn’t make much sense, it turned into an action or thriller story, or a new character came into the place and one had zero chance to figure things out.

    For reference, here are some books that I really liked: Murder for Christmas from Francis Duncan and it was actually possible to think it through and there were some good amount of hints, I also really liked Sophie Hannah’s New Hercule Poirot Mysteries Series.

    Could you recommend me some authors or books?

    Thanks in advance!

    by hbalint96

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